Project Fadoré: Improved cookstoves in Cameroon

The Fadoré project aims to distribute 50,000 fixed improved cookstoves across 3 regions of Cameroon. They will be built in-site into domestic kitchens.

This initiative has for objective the distribution of 50,000 improved cookstoves over the next two years, starting in July. The three regions in Cameroon where we are developping this project are North and Extreme North Cameroun, and the region of Adamaoua.

The on-site operator for this initiative is EcoConsult, and the project is supported by local consultants from S2 Services who are closely monitoring its progress.

This project will be certified by GoldStandard.

Project Timeline

Pilot phase

During the pilot phase, our partner S2 Services distributed 120 improved cookstoves in order to assess their impact, efficacity, and acceptance among the local populations.

Local Stakeholders Consultation

The local stakeholders consultation (LSC) will take place in August 2023.

Stove tests and users’ surveys

Kitchen Performance Tests were conducted on both traditional and improved cookstoves. The efficacity and advantages of the latter were demonstrated to the local population.

Large-scale improved cookstoves distribution

The project will distribute 50,000 in Extreme North, North, and Adamoua regions in Cameroon. This large-scale distribution will start in July 2023.

Environmental and Socio-economic Co-benefits

No poverty.

Through the implementation of improved cookstoves that are energy-efficient, this project actively contributes to the achievement of United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1’ No poverty’. By reducing fuel expenses for households, this initiative helps alleviate financial burdens and enhance economic well-being.

Good health and well-being.

This initiative aims to decrease harmful emissions, combat pollution, and prevent associated fatalities. As a result, this project actively contributes to the realization of United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 ‘Good health and well-being’.

Affordable and clean energy.

Through this energy-efficient solution, tackling SDG 7 ‘Affordable and clean energy’ is a central objective of this project.

Climate action.

The distribution of energy-efficient cookstoves promotes the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 ‘Climate action’, through the reduction of greenhouse gases released by traditional cookstoves.

Life on land.

This improved cookstoves projet enhances the efficiency of wood consumption, leading to a reduction in human-induced pressures on forests, which serve as a vital fuel source for communities. SDG 15 ‘Life on land’ is addressed by this project.

Local Community Sensitization.

This project aims to raise awareness and sensitize the local population on environmental and public health issues.

Our main partner: S2 Services

S2 Services is an environmental consultancy firm based in Cameroon that focuses on climate finance and the development of climate finance, renewable energy and sustainable development projects aimed at reducing carbone dioxyde emissions.